Mykhaylo Andreychyn

Head of the Centre

Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, DSc in Medicine, Professor of the Department of Infectious Diseases, Epidemiology, Skin and Venereal Diseases.

General work experience in research – 53 years.

Research experience at I. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University –53 years.


In 1963, M. A. Andreychyn graduated from Ternopil State Medical Institute with honours, majoring in “General Medicine”.

M. A. Andreychyn obtained his PhD degree in medicine in 1971. The topic of the PhD thesis was: “Some indicators of non-specific reactivity of the body in infectious hepatitis” (1971, scientific supervisor L. I. Bohachyk).

The academic title of associate professor was awarded in 1974. Doctor of Sciences in Medicine since 1981. Doctoral dissertation on the topic: “Cholemia and bacterial flora in the pathogenesis and clinic of viral hepatitis and cholecystitis” (1980, consultants L. I. Bohachyk and I. O. Sytnyk). The academic title of professor was awarded in 1983. Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine since 2017.

M. A. Andreychyn is the author and co-author of about 850 scientific and 188 journalistic and popular science papers, including 47 books (monographs, textbooks, manuals, reference books), 61 patents and copyright certificates for inventions.

M. A. Andreychyn has been the scientific supervisor of 37 dissertations for obtaining PhD degree and 19 – for obtaining DSc degree.

A well-known scientist in the field of infectious diseases, epidemiology and military epidemiology.

Professor Andreychyn described seven previously unknown clinical symptoms of infectious diseases. For the first time, he developed thermographic semiotics of acute respiratory infections, viral hepatitis, food poisoning, shigellosis, leptospirosis, herpes zoster, and others and proposed thermographic criteria for their differential diagnosis.

M. A. Andreychyn deepened knowledge about the mechanism of therapeutic action of various types of enterosorbents, antioxidants, hepatoprotectors, immunostimulators and substantiated the expediency of their combined use in infectious diseases.

Professor Andreychyn proposed the colonosorption method for acute intestinal infections, which significantly accelerates clinical recovery and provides sanitation of the intestines from pathogenic microorganisms without the additional use of antibacterial agents.

Professor Andreychyn proved that it is possible to increase the therapeutic effectiveness of recombinant α-interferons and inducers of interferon formation in viral hepatitis, provided that the body is previously detoxified with enterosorbents.

Aerosol interferon therapy for acute respiratory viral infections was developed and a new domestic preparation of nucleic acid (Nulex) was tested for the first time and their high clinical effectiveness was proven.

Anti-leptospirosis allogeneic immunoglobulin was obtained and introduced into medical practice, with the help of which it was possible to reduce the mortality rate in severe forms of the disease by three times. Initiator of the creation and author of two textbooks on military epidemiology (2002, 2015), which were introduced into the educational process at specialized departments of medical universities and the Ukrainian Military Medical Academy.

Professor Andreychyn summarized world experience in medical countermeasures against bioterrorism and developed a number of proposals for medical and preventive institutions and the Ministry of Health.

M. A. Andreychyn published a series of articles on topical issues of medical countermeasures against bioterrorism, military epidemiology, bioethics, and the history of combating infectious diseases in Ukraine.

Professor Andreychyn participated in the compilation of educational programs and the first CDs and virtual programs on epidemiology and infectious diseases and integration of medical universities of Ukraine into the European educational environment.

In 1983-2004, M. A. Andreychyn occupied the position of Vice-Rector for Research at Ternopil State Medical University. During this period, the scientific potential of the university increased significantly, and in terms of the number of teachers with scientific degrees and indicators of research work, thus, becoming one of the leading among higher medical educational institutions of Ukraine.

In 1997, he headed the initiative group, thanks to which the Association of Infectious Disease Specialists of Ukraine was created. Since then, Professor Andreychyn has been the president of the Association. Under his leadership, 5 congresses of infectious disease specialists of Ukraine, 38 plenums and scientific-practical conferences have already been held, the recommendations of which are taken into account by the Ministry of Health.

M. A. Andreychyn is a member of the European Society for Chemotherapy of Infectious Diseases, a full member of the Shevchenko Scientific Society, an honorary member of the Polish Society of Epidemiologists and Infectious Disease Doctors and the Lithuanian Society of Infectious Diseases, academician of the Academy of Sciences of Higher Education of Ukraine, honorary professor of I. I. Mechnikov Kharkiv Institute of Microbiology and Immunology.

Professor Andreychyn was an initiator of the creation and editor-in-chief of the quarterly all-Ukrainian scientific and medical journal “Infectious Diseases” (since 1995, 82 issues have already been published), member of the Scientific Council of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine. Since 2003, he has been the head of the Ternopil branch of the Shevchenko Scientific Society, under his editorship 11 volumes of the branch’s scientific papers and a number of other publications have been published.

M. A. Andreychyn is a Laureate of S. Podolynskyi and Lepkyi Brothers All-Ukrainian Awards, prizes of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and Academy of Higher Education of Ukraine. He was awarded with honorary diplomas of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, the Cabinet of Ministers and the Ministry of Health, the orders of Saint Michael the Archangel, Prince Ostrozkyi and Arsen Richynskyi “For significant contribution to the spirituality of Ukraine”, the Silver Medal of the Exhibition of Achievements of National Economy, medals of the Peace Fund, “Veteran of Labour”, Agapetus of Pechersk of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.