This provision regulates the appointment, order of establishment, reorganization, renaming and management of the Centre for Lyme-borreliosis and other tick-borne diseases research, which functions at I. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University.

1.1. In its activities, the Centre is guided by the following documents:

- the Constitution of Ukraine;

- the Civil Code of Ukraine;

- the Economic Code of Ukraine;

- the Law of Ukraine “On Education”;

- the Law of Ukraine “On Higher Education”;

- Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine as of July 20, 1996 No. 830 “On approval of the Standard Regulation on planning, accounting and costing of research and development works”, as of February 07, 2001 No. 134 “On the conditions of payment of workers in certain industries in the state budget field”, as of April 03, 1993 No. 245 “On part-time work of employees of state enterprises and organizations”; as of July 28, 2003 No. 1180 “On approval of the list of paid services that can be provided by budgetary scientific institutions”;

- the Statute of I. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University;

- Rules of the internal labour regulations of the University;

- Regulations on the procedure for awarding bonuses, establishing additional payments and allowances, providing material assistance to employees

1.2. This Provision applies to full-time research, research and teaching staff and other employees, doctoral students, postgraduates and students of the University.

1.3. Issues that are not reflected in the Provision are decided by the Rector in accordance with specific circumstances according to current legislation.


The main tasks of the Centre include:

• integration of intellectual, financial and material and technical resources in the study of Lyme-borreliosis and other infections transmitted by ticks;

• implementation of the obtained results in the practice of family doctors, infectious disease specialists, dermatovenerologists, rheumatologists, cardiologists, neurologists, paediatricians, general practitioners;

• personnel, material and technical, legal and information support for the implementation of research;

• publication of research results (except for the cases related to compliance with confidentiality terms) at conferences, seminars and in scientific journals.

To achieve the set goals, the Centre performs the following functions:

• provision of scientific, consulting, expert and other types of services;

• engagement of research and teaching staff, doctoral students, post-graduate students, university students to work at the Centre;

• purchase and maintenance in proper technical condition of devices, equipment and materials for conducting laboratory studies of Lyme-borreliosis and other infections transmitted by ticks;

• conducting metrological attestation and verification of control and measuring equipment;

• obtaining permits for carrying out certain types of activities;

• collection and generalization of the research results in the field of the Centre’s activity;

• training of research and teaching staff.